Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Activation key 6.612 Full Free

The Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Activation key is a powerful desktop application that enables users to download OpenStreetMap map data based on location. With its user-friendly interface and wealth of customization options, this tool simplifies harvesting OSM data for diverse applications from creating custom maps to developing location-aware software.

Why Choose the Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Activation key

Allmapsoft designed their OpenStreetMap Downloader tool specifically for users requiring access to extract OSM data. Some of the key reasons it should be your top choice include:

  • Intuitive Desktop Application – Unlike web apps which have limitations, the downloader runs as a fast desktop application making it reliable for large data demands. The setup process also takes under 5 minutes.
  • Multiple File Format Support – Choose to download OSM data and convert to formats like Shapefile, GeoJSON, GPX or a range of image types suitsing your workflow needs.
  • Feature-Rich Customization – Beyond locations, tailor your OpenStreetMap extract by selecting specific data layers like roads, building outlines, points of interest etc.
  • User-Friendly Workflow – An easy workflow comprising just search/draw area, choose data layers, select format and download caters to all technical skill levels.

These capabilities combined in an affordable one-time purchase provide immense value for OSM data access.

Allmapsoft Openstreetmap Downloader Activation key

Key Features and Benefits

The Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Activation key comes packed with features that enable seamless harvesting of open map data.

Location-Based Download

The downloader provides multiple options to define the required area to extract OSM data for:

  • Keyword search for location name
  • Manually enter geographic bounding box coordinates
  • Visually draw bounding box on embedded map
  • Upload GPX tracks and convert to bounding area

This flexibility allows grabbing data across administrative levels from continents to cities.

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High Logic Scanahand Keygen Full Free

Custom Data Layers

Beyond locations, the tool enables further customizing your OpenStreetMap download by toggling specific data layers:

Data Layer Description
Points POIs, bus stops, amenities
Ways Roads, buildings, waterways
Relations Boundaries, routes

Deselecting unnecessary layers prunes extract size and complexity for efficiency.

File Format Control

Allmapsoft downloader neatly handles converting and exporting your data to an extensive set of geospatial and image formats:

  • Standard Vector Formats: Shapefile, GeoJSON, GPX, OSM XML
  • GIS Formats: GeoPackage, SpatiaLite, Garmin IMG
  • CAD Formats: DXF, KML, GeoRSS
  • Image Types: JPG, PNG, TIFF, SVG

This file format versatility facilitates integrating the extracts into any target workflow.

Step-by-Step Usage Instructions

Using the Allmapsoft Openstreetmap Downloader Download free involves a quick and straightforward workflow as outlined below:


Downloading and installing the tool is simple – just download Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Activation key from our site, grab the correct version for your Windows, Mac or Linux machine and follow the install wizard.

The free trial allows up to 10 downloads to test the software. For ongoing use, purchase a lifetime license for under $30.

Define Area of Interest

Next, specify the map region to download by: * Searching a location name like “Paris”
Manually entering geographic coordinates for a bounding box
Using the embedded map to visually draw an area

Set the box extent to cover all required roads, buildings etc.

Customize Extract Layers

The left panel lists all possible OpenStreetMap data layers – review and deselect any unnecessary information via the checkboxes to optimize extract size and complexity. Common choices are buildings, roads and points of interest.

Select Output Format

With the area defined and data layers configured, pick your desired output format like Shapefile, GeoPackage or OSM XML among the many options.

Download Extract

Finally, hit the “Download” button to kickstart the OpenStreetMap data harvesting process. This may take anywhere from seconds to hours depending on extract size and your internet speed.

In the end, you have a downloaded map extract in your chosen file format ready for applications like analysis, routing, visualization and more!

Use Cases and Integrations

The OpenStreetMap data downloaded by the Allmapsoft Full version crack tool serves countless applications across industries and fields. Typical use cases include:

  • Mapping and GIS – Visualize and analyze OSM extracts using GIS tools like QGIS to produce static and interactive maps tailored to needs.
  • Address Geocoding – Enhance tools for converting street addresses to geographic coordinates using comprehensive OSM data.
  • Navigation and Transport – Enable turn-by-turn routing and trip planning apps with detailed road/path network data from extracts.
  • Field Studies and Research – Download up-to-date OSM data ‘basemaps’ to provide reference layers for field studies and local environmental research.

Researchers, students, mapping enthusiasts, GIS analysts and app developers constitute some of the main user segments benefiting from the Allmapsoft desktop downloader. Even geospatial companies like Pitney Bowes, Pointerra and Offstreet leverage customized versions.

Sample Use Cases

Here are two examples highlighting practical applications:

Mapping Company – A mapping firm used Allmapsoft OSM Downloader to extract building footprints and road data for England and Scotland to improve location accuracy of their digital map products.

Municipality Planning – A city council utilized OpenStreetMap extracts to conduct land use classification and model future infrastructure demands based on projected population growth.

See also:

Allmapsoft Universal Maps Downloader Crack 10.173 Full Free

Functionality Limitations

While immensely capable, be aware that the Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader does have some inherent limitations:

  • As a desktop app, it involves locally installing software rather than direct web access which may hamper portability.
  • Extracts are bound to daily OpenStreetMap download restrictions requiring large requests to be split across days.
  • Advanced features around clipping, simplifying data and exporting to specialized formats involve steep learning curves.
  • Available command line interface still requires comfort with code.

Fortunately, the Allmapsoft development team actively maintains and enhances the tool to overcome such drawbacks.

Where to Get Reliable Support

For any issues faced with the downloader whether related to software installation, usage, file formats or order fulfillment, Allmapsoft provides stellar customer support through multiple channels:

  • Email Support – Send queries to the responsive technical support team at [email protected]
  • Knowledge Base – Search or browse the extensive library of tutorials and how-to guides
  • Video Tutorials – Watch step-by-step video walkthroughs of key workflows
  • Webinars – Attend free live webinars for training or view recordings

This reliable backup combined with an intuitive tool already puts you steps ahead for any OpenStreetMap data projects!

Allmapsoft Openstreetmap Downloader Activation key


As highlighted in this guide, the Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Free download is arguably the leading desktop solution for harvesting Allmapsoft OpenStreetMap Downloader Activation key data in desired file formats tailored to mapping areas and data needs.

The tool neatly handles the complexity of querying, clipping and converting disparate OSM data into clean, consistent geospatial extracts ready for applications spanning transportation, urban planning, field research and more.

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