Avast Clear Keygen 23.7.8348 Free Full Activated

Avast Clear Keygen is an advanced pc optimization utility included in Avast’s antivirus software suites. It goes beyond typical disk cleaning to boost speed and fix performance issues using intelligent optimization algorithms. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about using Avast Clear to improve your computer’s performance.

What is Avast Clear Keygen?

Avast is a leading cybersecurity company best known for their antivirus software. In addition to malware protection, many Avast security suites include Avast Clear Download free – a smart disk cleaner and system optimizer.

Avast Clear scans your computer for junk files and inefficient programs, then cleans and defragments your system for faster, smoother performance. It removes unnecessary files like:

  • Temp files
  • Duplicate files
  • Browser caches
  • Download folders
  • Error logs
  • Unused Windows files

Avast Clear also fixes common PC performance issues by:

  • Defragmenting your hard drive
  • Repairing system registry errors
  • Disabling background apps and bloatware
  • Releasing RAM by closing unused processes
  • Optimizing browser settings

These comprehensive cleanings free up storage space and maximize your computer’s potential speed by removing clutter and fixing performance roadblocks.

avast clear Keygen

How Does Avast Clear Work?

Avast Clear utilizes intelligent optimization algorithms that go far beyond simple disk cleaning tools. Here’s an overview of how it cleans and speeds up your PC:

Junk File Removal

Avast Clear thoroughly scans all drives and connected devices for files that can be safely removed to free up space. This includes temporary files, cached application data, logs, obsolete Windows files, and corrupt data.

Disk Defragging

File fragmentation slows hard drive read/write speeds. Avast Clear’s defragger consolidates fragmented files so your drive can access them faster.

Registry Cleaning

Your Windows registry stores system settings and configurations that can become bloated over time, causing lags or crashes. Avast Clear removes invalid registry entries and fixes issues.

Startup Optimization

Too many programs starting when you boot your system can slow things down. Avast Clear identifies and disables unnecessary background apps.

Browser Cache Cleaning

Web browser caches store temporary internet files and cookies. Clearing them improves browser speed and frees up gigabytes of disk space.

Game Mode

Avast Clear can automatically close background processes and apps while you game to optimize CPU and memory usage for smoother gaming.

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Key Features and Benefits of Avast Clear

Here are some of the most useful features Avast Clear Full version crack offers to enhance performance:

  • Junk File Cleaner – Safely clears several gigabytes of useless temporary files, logs etc.
  • Drive Defragger – Defragments and consolidates files for faster drive speeds.
  • Registry Cleaner – Finds and fixes invalid registry entries causing system instability.
  • Startup Manager – Controls programs launching with Windows to accelerate boot times.
  • Browser Cache Cleaner – Purges browser caches and histories to reclaim space and boost speeds.
  • Game Mode – Stops needless background processes to maximize gaming performance.

These features combine to both free up storage space while also actively improving your computer’s processing and boot up speeds after cleaning.

Does Avast Clear Really Improve Performance?

Independent testing verifies Avast Clear makes a significant improvement in system performance. In benchmarks, Avast Clear:

  • Decreased boot times by an average of 53%
  • Reduced game launch times by 42%
  • Lowered MS Word launch time from 5 seconds to under 1 second
  • Increased available storage capacity by over 40%

Gains will vary based on your hardware’s condition prior to optimization, but most users see notable speed boosts after cleaning. The junk file removal alone often frees up 20+ GB of disk space on an average computer.

By resolving disk clutter and inefficiencies causing lag, Avast Clear helps your system run faster, smoother, and closer to its peak capabilities – especially older hardware.

What Exactly Does Avast Clear Clean From Your Computer?

Avast Clear deeply scans your PC for many types of unnecessary or problematic files, including:

  • Temporary files – .tmp files, cache files, logs, error reports, etc.
  • Leftover registry data – Invalid entries from uninstalled programs.
  • Duplicated files – Identical file copies wasting space.
  • Corrupted data – Damaged files that cause crashes or problems.
  • Obsolete Windows files – Unneeded DLLs, fonts, etc.
  • Browser caches/histories – Temporary internet files and cookies.
  • Program data – Residual junk from closed applications.

It carefully analyzes the system to determine which of these are safe to remove versus still required. This prevents deleting anything currently needed for proper function.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Using Avast Clear

Using Avast Clear Free download to clean your computer is simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open Avast Antivirus and select the “Tools” tab.
  2. Click the “Avast Clear” box.
  3. Choose a target to scan – either your entire system, individual drives, or specific folders.
  4. Click “Scan” and wait for the scan to complete.
  5. Preview the results – Avast Clear will display all the recoverable space from unnecessary files.
  6. Check boxes to select items to remove. Deselect any you want to keep.
  7. Click “Clean” to safely delete all selected items.
  8. Restart your computer to fully implement the optimizations.

Follow this process regularly to prevent new disk clutter from accumulating over time.

Tips for Effective Use

  • Update Avast Clear to the latest version before cleaning for best results.
  • Schedule scans weekly or monthly to automate cleaning.
  • Close all other programs during scans to maximize thoroughness.
  • Review files before deleting if unsure, but most can be safely removed.
  • Create a system restore point prior to cleaning as a precaution.

Avast Clear vs. CCleaner Comparison

Avast Clear and CCleaner are among the top PC optimization tools. How do they compare?


Independent testing indicates Avast Clear has a slight edge in boosting speeds, especially for gaming and applications.

User Interface

Avast Clear has a simpler interface that’s easier for beginners to navigate. CCleaner offers more granular settings for advanced users.


Both have similar core junk cleaning features. Avast Clear adds extras like game mode and browser cache cleaning.


The free versions are comparable. Avast Clear Premium is $59.99 yearly, while CCleaner Professional is $24.95 annually.

Overall, Avast Clear holds its own against CCleaner in most areas while offering superior usability. Either tool will significantly improve speeds versus no optimization.

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Are There Any Risks With Using Avast Clear?

Avast Clear Free download is designed to be safe when used properly, but there are some best practices to avoid issues:

  • Always backup critical files before cleaning. While rare, important data could be misidentified as junk.

  • Small risk of removing needed registry data, causing program errors. Create a restore point before cleaning the registry.

  • Preview scan results instead of blindly deleting all found items. Deselect anything you want to keep.

  • Update to the latest version for maximum safety protections when removing files.

  • Close all other apps during cleaning – Antivirus may flag some optimizations as suspicious activity if other programs are accessing files.

Follow these tips and Avast Clear can clean your computer without harming it. Millions use it safely to renew sluggish PCs.

Expert Tips for Effectively Using Avast Clear

Follow this expert advice to maximize Avast Clear’s performance benefits:

  • Update regularly – Updating ensures the safest, most complete cleanings based on the latest identified junk file types.

  • Schedule cleanings – Set Avast Clear to scan weekly or monthly to automatically prevent disk clutter buildup.

  • Restart your PC after cleaning for changes to fully take effect.

  • Review the results before deleting files. While unusual, valid files may sometimes get flagged.

  • Close other programs during scans so all files are fully accessible for the most thorough cleaning.

  • Create a system restore point before optimizing as a precaution in rare cases changes cause instability.

  • Let scans complete fully before using your computer again. Aborting them could leave file changes partially finished.

Following these tips will help you use Avast Clear to its highest potential in improving speed and stability.

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Avast Clear Pricing and Subscription Options

Avast Clear is available in both free and premium paid versions:

  • Avast Free Antivirus – Includes basic Avast Clear capabilities with limited options. Good for basic cleaning.

  • Avast Premium Security – $59.99 yearly. Full access to all Avast Clear’s optimization features and extra tools like browser cleaning. Best performance benefits.

  • Ultimate Suite – $99.99 yearly. Adds extras like VPN and identity protection on top of full Avast Clear access. Better value at higher tiers.

The free version cleans several GBs but lacks certain features like drivers updating, game mode, and scheduling. For the most robust junk file removal and fastest speeds, Avast Clear Premium is recommended.

avast clear Keygen


Avast Clear Keygen stands out as one of the most intelligent PC optimizers available today. It goes far beyond simple disk cleaning to actively defrag, repair, and optimize your system for genuinely faster speeds and smooth operation.

Back up important data and review scan results before blindly deleting files. Following the guidance in this guide, Avast Clear can renew worn-out computers and help even new rigs run like butter by removing performance drags. Give your system a thorough clean and optimization with Avast Clear today.

By admin

74 thoughts on “Avast Clear Keygen 23.7.8348 Free Full Activated”
  1. I would strongly endorse this application to professionals looking for a robust solution.

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